Best P Shot Theropy In Edmonton - Edmonton Men's Health


The Priapus Shot is A SPECIFIC Method, protected by the US Patent & Trademark Office, of using blood-derived growth factors to rejuvenate the penis (also known as the P-Shot®).  Our male medical doctor is fully trained and certified for this treatment.

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Treatments For Men's Health

Treatments For:

  • erectile dysfunction (ED)
  • lichen sclerosis
  • Peyronie’s disease is a condition in which scar tissue makes the penis curve when it’s erect
  • penis enhancement
  • general sexual function, performance, and orgasm enhancement
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The P-Shot Helps:

  • Strengthen the penis
  • Straighten the penis
  • Increase circulation within the penis for a healthier organ.
  • Make other therapies work better (if you still need Viagra or Cialis, then it will work better for you).
  • Increase sensation and pleasure (helps correct the damage from diabetes).
  • Proven to work in multiple studies
  • Increase size by design (Can place more in the base of the head or wherever makes for the best result)
  • No allergic reactions (using your own body’s fluids).
  • No lumpiness
  • Minimal pain (no burning from the PRFM since it’s from your own body)
Male Best Reduction - Edmonton Men's Health

Male Breast Reduction

At Edmonton Men's Health Clinic, our medical team uses Coolsculpting for male breast reduction. They will examine the client and take a full history to rule out any contraindications such as Gynecomastia (enlargement of a man’s breasts, usually due to hormone imbalance or hormone therapy), which would require surgery.

Learn More About It Here